Sunday, May 4, 2008

Keep it flying!

Information for YOU!
Save our Flag!

The flag of the South is now the flag of World Wide White unity! The battle to save the Confederate flag is raging throughout the South . In schools, government offices and even in gift shops where the flag is sold, the effort is being manifested to STEAL the flag away from those who still cherish it's memory. Negro demands are being felt from the Atlantic seaboard, across the prairies of Texas and into the deserts of California. There appears to be no demand too great that it cannot be met by scalawags who willfully bow to this new age of "reconstruction."
But not only the South The same demands to force the White Christian people of this republic to bow before the insatiable lust of Negroes is being felt by our White brothers and sisters throughout the whole country. The battle to steal the flag away from our people is nothing short of genocide in that it is the attempt to cut us off from our historical and cultural roots. To millions of Americans the Confederate flag is a precious symbol. Yet in communities across America, many of who have only a tiny fraction of "minorities," white students are being punished by
school officials if they should display the flag on their clothing, cars or in football and basketball games. Its not just your flag that is under attack, but your heritage. Negro demands will not stop until every Confederate flag has been taken down, until every monument built to honor the men and women of the Confederacy has been toppled and every school text book has been rewritten. A few years ago in Montgomery, Alabama, Negro state representative, Alvin Homes expressed the opinion of many Negroes when he said that he believes that "Every Confederate flag or symbol of the Confederacy should be barred from Alabama and every part of the country." (So much for Negroes concept of free speech.) How do you think Negroes would respond if you suggested barring pictures of Martin Luther King in public display? Americans love the flag! The Confederate flag, though unpopular with Negro bigots, is the pride of Americans and is widely used throughout the nation, on car tags, tee-shirts, ball caps, coffee mugs, pins, bumper stickers, along with the multitude of people who fly the flag in front of their homes, on 18-wheelers and pick up trucks. But it is not just the flag that those who hate our race fuss over, but over everything that offers hope, inspiration and pride to the White Christian people of America. Confederate monuments are often disgraced and Confederate heroes are maligned. In fact, the whole culture and heritage of the South is being slandered.
Throughout the South there are literally hundreds of monuments built to honor the gallantry and heroism of their fathers. On one such monument in Augusta, Georgia, the inscription reads, "No nation rose so white and fair, none fell so pure of crime." In each of these states which made up the nation "white and fair," there were days set aside to recognize and honor the births of such southern heroes as Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. Keep it flying! The symbol of this banner stirs the hearts of those who have a love for the ideals for which the men in gray fought their battles. It is not just remembering dates, names and events that brings honor to these
men, but it is the willingness to pursue their ideals and dreams in the face of tyranny and despotism. Honor is paid to our ancestors, not by keeping alive their names, but by remaining faithful to the ideals for which they lived this is the meaning of the fourth commandment, "Honor thy father(s) and thy mother(s)." Because the enemies of America wish to emasculate our spirit, they recognize the need to isolate us from the symbols, music, heroes and traditions of those that walked before us. One reason why the Confederate flag is hated with such belligerent and unreasonable passion is that the flag like the legendary phoenix bird went down into the ashes of a defeated south, a flag that represented the people and the cause of the south, however when this flag arose from it's ashes, it arose not just a flag of a defeated nation, but has come to symbolize the hopes and ideals of all White Americans NATIONWIDE. It is no longer just a Southern flag only - but a flag of ALL White Christians who love the ideals of their forefathers. Southerners and Northerners now cherish this flag. And not just in America, but in our sister White nations throughout the world, people are identifying with the flag of the old South - making it not just a Southern symbol of resistance to tyranny, but a worldwide symbol of
White Resistance and White Power! This flag of the Confederacy has truly come forth out of the ashes a greater symbol than it was in defeat, standing forth as the unquenchable symbol of the White man's eternal vigilance against tyranny and despotism. This is the reason they hate the flag, this is the reason why in communities throughout the nation there is the relentless ATTACK upon this banner. It's not an attack against the flag - it's a racist attack against your heritage!

The Knights’ / P.O. Box 2222 / Harrison, AR 72601/870427-3414

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